He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9
Consultation has concluded, thank you for taking the time to have your say. Council's decisions on Plan Change 9 are now available via this link.
Council's decisions on Plan Change 9 are now available.
Te Whakamāramatanga o te Panonihanga | About this Change
Housing for Everyone – Plan Change 9 is a District Plan change that will encourage greater development and housing choice, and it forms part of a series of actions the Government has developed to address housing in New Zealand. Specifically, Housing for Everyone – Plan Change 9 better supports intensification through enabling medium density living across most of our urban area, and high density living close to and in the city centre and in our commercial centres.
On 14 February 2024, ElectedContinue reading
Council's decisions on Plan Change 9 are now available.
Te Whakamāramatanga o te Panonihanga | About this Change
Housing for Everyone – Plan Change 9 is a District Plan change that will encourage greater development and housing choice, and it forms part of a series of actions the Government has developed to address housing in New Zealand. Specifically, Housing for Everyone – Plan Change 9 better supports intensification through enabling medium density living across most of our urban area, and high density living close to and in the city centre and in our commercial centres.
On 14 February 2024, Elected Members through the Community and District Development Committee agreed to accept the recommendations of the Independent Hearings Panel and adopt Plan Change 9.
Read more about Council’s decision – Plan Change 9 adoption enables greater housing choice for Rotorua
Plan Change 9 presentation - the basics
Medium Density Zone
The Government’s Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS) are no in effect in Rotorua and apply to Residential 1 and 2 zones. The rules enable landowners to build up to three homes of up to three storeys each on most residential sites without requiring a resource consent. View the new rules - Medium Density Residential Standards.
High Density Zone
Council was also required to amend the District Plan across all urban zones so that heights and densities of development enabled by the plan are consistent with the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (2020). This requires heights and densities enabled to reflect how close the area is to services and the demand in that location. The adopted Plan Change 9 introduces a High Density Residential Zone aligned to the most accessible areas within Rotorua. This will enable more people to live in areas that can access amenities and employment through active and public transport modes.
City Centre and Commercial Zones
The Plan Change has further considered how to enable increased development density in the Commercial and City Centre Zones, due to their accessible location relative to amenity. The primary method of doing so is by enabling a greater height in these locations to accommodate for a wider range of activities that are supported by a greater density
Supporting Changes
Other changes adopted as part of Plan Change 9:
• Set the standards for papakāinga development throughout the district
• Manage flooding and geothermal hazards
• Protect heritage structures
• Set financial contributions from development for reserves
Consultation has concluded, thank you for taking the time to have your say. Council's decisions on Plan Change 9 are now available via this link.
Council's Decision on Plan Change 9
The Council, through its Community and District Development Committee, decided on 14 February 2024 to adopt all the recommendations of the Independent Hearings Panel on Plan Change 9.
Changes to District Plan:
The changes to the District Plan text as a result of these decisions are annotated in the District Plan chapters at the links below.
- Interpretation
- National Direction Instruments
- Strategic Direction
- Historical and Cultural Values
- Hazards and Risks
- Natural Environment Values
- Subdivision
- General District-Wide Matters
- Residential Zones
- Rural Zones
- City Centre Zones
- Commercial Zones
- Business and Innovation Zones
- Industrial Zones
- Development Areas
- Appendix 1 - Parking, Access and Turning
Changes of minor effect were also included within the Light and Earthworks chapters.
Changes to the District Plan maps as a result of these decisions are set out in the following document:
Refer also to the report of the Independent Hearing Panel, which provides explanation on the reasons for the decision.
IHP Report:
These changes become operative on 2 March 2024.
The public notice advertising Council's decision is available at this link: Public notice of Council's decision on Plan Change 9.
Post Hearing Documents
Documents provided since the hearing can be found below:
Council Supplementary Evidence
- Rotorua Lakes Council Geothermal Outline and Process - Provided 18 September 2023
Addendum 2 to the Section 42A Report (Council Reply), Supplementary Evidence & Closing Legal Submissions
The Addendum 2 to the Section 42A Report and Councils supplementary evidence is now available to view below.
Addendum 2 to the Section 42A Report
- Addendum 2 to the Section 42A Report
- Appendix 1: Amendments to Recommended Changes to the text of the District Plan
- Part 1 - Introduction and General Provisions
- Interpretation
- National Direction Instruments
- Part 2 - District -Wide Matters
- Strategic Direction
- Energy Infrastructure & Transport
- Hazards & Risks
- Historical & Cultural Values
- Natural Environment Values
- General District Wide Matters
- Part 3 - Area - Specific Matters
- Residential Zones
- City Centre Zones
- Commercial Zones
- Industrial Zones
- Business and Innovation Zone
- Rural Zones
- Future Growth Zones
- Development Areas
- Appendix One Parking, Access & Turning
- Appendix 2: Amendments to District Plan Maps
Council Supplementary Evidence
- Supplementary Statement of Evidence 1 - Cameron Wallace - Urban Design (Barker & Associates)
- Supplementary Statement of Evidence 2 - Susan Fairgray - Economics (Market Economics)
Closing Legal Submissions
Plan Change 9 Hearing
The Hearing of submissions by the Independent Hearings Panel on Plan Change 9 was held in August 2023.
Links to the livestream recordings that were taken during the hearing are available on youtube at this playlist link
Material Provided During the Hearing
The following material has been provided during the hearing for Plan Change 9: Housing for Everyone.
Monday 14 August 2023
- Hearing Summary Statement of Rachel Morgan - Section 42A Report Author (Barker & Associates)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Rachel Morgan - Section 42A Report Author - Summary of Provisions (Barker & Associates)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Rachel Morgan - Section 42A Report Author - Presentation (Barker & Associates)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Cam Wallace - Urban Design (Barker & Associates)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Cam Wallace - Urban Design - Presentation (Barker & Associates)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Kim Smith - Section 42A Report Author (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Anna Bindon - Section 42A Report Author (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Simon Thurston - Section 42A Report Author (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Damon Mathfield - Strategic Planning (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Damon Mathfield - Strategic Planning - Presentation (Rotorua Lakes Council)
Tuesday 15 August 2023
- Hearing Summary Statement of Carolyn McAlley - Planning (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Robin Byron - Planning (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)
Wednesday 16 August 2023
- Hearing Summary Statement of Ann Nicholas - Planning (Sigma Consultants Ltd)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Kate Dahm - Planning (Sigma Consultants Ltd)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Kate Dahm - Planning - Presentations (Sigma Consultants Ltd)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Rowan Little - Planning (Cheal Consultants)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Margaret Owens (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand)
- Memorandum of Counsel re change of witness (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Ngaire Kerse (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand & Ryman Healthcare Limited)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Matthew Brown (Ryman Healthcare Limited)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Harriet McKee (Summerset Group Holdings Ltd)
Thursday 17 August 2023
- Hearing Summary Statement of Seventh-Day Adventists School
- Hearing Summary Statement of Mataatua Marae Trustees
- Hearing Summary Statement of Briana Cardon and Stevie Blyth-Nepia (Te Arawa Lakes Trust)
- Hearing Summary Statement of David McPherson
Monday 21 August 2023
- Hearing Summary Statement of Susan Fairgray - Economics (Market Economics)
- Hearing Summary Statement of Shelly Gifford
Tuesday 22 August 2023
- Hearing Summary Statement of Brett Farquhar (Pukeroa Oruawhata Group)
- Hearing Summary Statement of David Marshall
- Supplementary Evidence of Susan Fairgray - Economics (Market Economics) - (Note: There has been a minor edit to this document. The change is to the graph it updates the example figure in Paragraph 17 slightly from 506m2 to 514m2. The original version can be found here.)
- Memorandum of Counsel (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Hearing Closing Summary Statement of Wendy Embling
Legal Submissions
Legal submissions are available to view below.
Councils Legal Submissions
Submitters Legal Submissions
- Submitter Legal Submission 1: Bay of Plenty Regional Council
- Submitter Legal Submission 2: Summerset Group Holdings Ltd
- Submitter Legal Submission 3: Ara Poutama Department of Corrections
- Submitter Legal Submission 4: Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand Incorporated & Ryman Healthcare Limited
- Submitter Legal Submission 5: Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities
Supplementary Legal Submissions
Closing Legal Submissions
Addendum 1 to the Section 42A Report & Rebuttal Evidence
The Plan Change 9 Rebuttal Evidence from Council and other submitters and Addendum 1 to the Section 42A Report is now available to view below.
Addendum 1 to the Section 42A Report
- Addendum 1 to the Section 42A Report
Appendix 1: Amendments to Recommended Changes to the text of the District Plan
- Part 1 - Introduction and General Provisions
- Interpretation
- National Direction Instruments
- Part 2 - District -Wide Matters
- Strategic Direction
- Energy Infrastructure & Transport
- Hazards & Risks
- Historical & Cultural Values
- Natural Environment Values
- General District Wide Matters
- Part 3 - Area - Specific Matters
- Residential Zones
- City Centre Zones
- Commercial Zones
- Industrial Zones
- Business and Innovation Zone
- Rural Zones
- Development Areas
- Appendix One Parking, Access & Turning
- Appendix 2: Amendments to Recommended Decisions on Submissions
Council Rebuttal Evidence
- Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 1: Strategic Evidence - Damon Mathfield (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 2: Urban Design - Cam Wallace (Barker & Associates)
- Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 3: Demand Report - Susan Fairgray (Market Economics)
- Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 4: Historic Heritage - Lloyd Macomber (Salmond Reed Architects)
Submitters Rebuttal Statement of Evidence
Submitters' Evidence
The following evidence has been submitted to the Council prior to the hearing:
Submitters Statement of Evidence
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 1: Rebecca Eng (Transpower)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 2: Hannah Craven (Waikato Regional Council)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 3: Keith Frentz (Ministry of Education)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 4: Matt Allot (Ara Poutama The Department of Corrections)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 5: Michelle Grinlinton-Hancock (KiwiRail)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 6: Lucy Holden - Planning (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 7: Mark Ivamy - Natural Hazards (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 8: Anna McKay - Engineering (Bay of Plenty Regional Council)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 9: Carolyn McAlley (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 10: Robin Byron (Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 11: Craig Sharman (Fire and Emergency New Zealand)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 12: Rowan Little (Cheal)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 13: Harriet McKee (Summerset Holdings Ltd)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 14: Brendon Liggett - Corporate (Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 15: Phillip Osborne - Economics (Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 16: Susannah Tait - Planning (Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 17: Ann Nicholas (Sigma)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 18: Kate Dahm (Sigma)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 19: Nicki Williams - Planning (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand Incorporated & Ryman Healthcare Limited)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 20: Professor Ngaire Kerse - Gerontology (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand Incorporated & Ryman Healthcare Limited)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 21: Greg Akehurst - Economics (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand Incorporated & Ryman Healthcare Limited)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 22: John Collyns (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand Incorporated)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 23: Matthew Brown (Ryman Healthcare Limited)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 24: Jill Wilkinson (Body Corporate of Lakeview Villas)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 25: Billy Te Arakohuru Paora Kingi
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 26: Peter Staite
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 27: Paul Thomas (The NZ Seventh-Day Adventist Schools Association Ltd & Rotorua Seventh-Day Adventist School Board)
- Submitters Statement of Evidence 28 Margaret Owens (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand)
Supplementary Statements of Evidence
- Submitters Supplementary Statement of Evidence 29 Susannah Tait - Planning - (Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities)
- Submitters Supplementary Statement of Evidence 30: Brett Farquhar (Pukeroa Oruawhata Group)
- Submitters Supplementary Statement of Evidence 31: Pamela Unkovich (First Gas Limited)
- Submitters Supplementary Statement of Evidence 32 - Nicki Williams - Planning (Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand Incorporated & Ryman Healthcare Limited)
- Submitters Supplementary Statement of Evidence 33 - Phillip Osborne (Kāinga Ora Homes and Communities)
Plan Change 9 Section 42A Report
The Plan Change 9 Section 42A Report is now available to view below.
Section 42A Report
- Plan Change 9 Section 42A Report
- Appendix 1: Recommended Changes to the text of the District Plan
- Part 1 - Introduction and General Provisions
- Interpretation
- National Direction Instruments
- Part 2 - District -Wide Matters
- Strategic Direction
- Hazards & Risks
- Historical & Cultural Values
- Natural Environment Values
- General District Wide Matters
- Part 3 - Area - Specific Matters
- Residential Zones
- City Centre Zones
- Commercial Zones
- Business and Innovation Zone
- Rural Zones
- Development Areas
- Appendix One Parking, Access & Turning
- Appendix 2: Recommended Changes to the District Plan Maps
- Appendix 3: Recommended Decisions on Submissions
- Appendix 4: Assessment of Existing Qualifying Matters
- Appendix 5: Area affected by Flood Risk Assessment - New Qualifying Matter
- Appendix 6: Legal Advice on Geothermal Hazards and the Building Act - Rice Speirs
- Appendix 7: Memorandum of Geothermal Boundaries - GNS Science
- Appendix 8: Section 42A Authors Statement of Experience
Supporting Evidence
- Statement of Evidence 1: Strategic Evidence - Damon Mathfield (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Statement of Evidence 2: Urban Design - Cam Wallace (Barker & Associates)
- Statement of Evidence 3: Demand Report - Susan Fairgray (Market Economics)
- Statement of Evidence 4: Transport - Michael Nixon (Commute Transportation)
- Statement of Evidence 5: Waste Collection Implications - Craig Goodwin (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Statement of Evidence 6: Management of Development - Infrastructure and Flood Hazards - Paula Meredith (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Statement of Evidence 7: 3 Waters Infrastructure - Greg Manzano (Rotorua Lakes Council)
- Statement of Evidence 8: Specific Flood Hazard Methods - Mark Pennington (Tonkin + Taylor)
- Statement of Evidence 9: Geothermal Risk Assessment - John Brzeski (Tonkin + Taylor)
Independent Hearing Commissioner Panel Minutes and Directions
Council's Decisions on Plan Change 9
INTERPRETATION IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.02 MB) (pdf)
NATIONAL DIRECTION INSTRUMENTS IHP Recommendations.pdf (649 KB) (pdf)
STRATEGIC DIRECTION. IHP Recommendationspdf (1.21 MB) (pdf)
HAZARDS AND RISKS IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.05 MB) (pdf)
HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL VALUES IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.96 MB) (pdf)
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT VALUES IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.57 MB) (pdf)
SUBDIVISION IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.39 MB) (pdf)
GENERAL DISTRICT WIDE MATTERS IHP Recommendations with changes of minor effect.docx (1.65 MB) (docx)
RESIDENTIAL ZONES IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.52 MB) (pdf)
CITY CENTRE ZONES IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.46 MB) (pdf)
COMMERCIAL ZONES IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.54 MB) (pdf)
INDUSTRIAL ZONES IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.36 MB) (pdf)
BUSINESS AND INNOVATION ZONES IHP Recommendations .pdf (1.33 MB) (pdf)
RURAL ZONES IHP Recommendations.pdf (1.48 MB) (pdf)
DEVELOPMENT AREAS IHP Recommendations.pdf (2.11 MB) (pdf)
APPENDIX ONE PARKING AND ACCESS IHP Recommendations.pdf (753 KB) (pdf)
MAPS IHP Recommendations.pdf (456 KB) (pdf)
Independent Hearing Panel Decisions Recommendations Report.pdf (1.55 MB) (pdf)
Report to Community and District Development Committee on IHP Recommendations.pdf (827 KB) (pdf)
Section 32 Report
PC9 Section 32 Report .pdf (4.89 MB) (pdf)
MAPS s32.pdf (778 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 2 - Evaluation of Existing Qualifying Matters.pdf (831 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 3 - Evaluation of 'Other' Existing Qualifying Matters.pdf (663 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 4 - Evaluation of New Qualifying Matters.pdf (635 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 5 - Regional Policy Statement Objectives and Policies Assessment.pdf (702 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 6 - Iwi Management Plans Assessment.pdf (1.06 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 7 - Barker & Associates - Policy 5 - Accessibility & Demand Assessment.pdf (9.69 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 8 - Market Economics - Rotorua Intensification Economic Assessment.pdf (2.2 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 9 - Barker & Associates - Urban Design Report.pdf (1.77 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 10 - Boffa Miskell - Pukehangi Landscape Opinion.pdf (2.06 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 11 - Commute Transport Consultants - Transport Assessment.pdf (276 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 12 - Flooding - New Qualifying Matter.pdf (895 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 13 - Tonkin & Taylor Flood Provisions Memo.pdf (1.42 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 14 - Tonkin & Taylor - Geothermal Risk Assessment.pdf (37.4 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 15 - Salmond Reed Architects - Heritage Assessment.pdf (33.6 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 16 - Tonkin & Taylor - Potential Reverse Sensitivity Effects to Air Quality Assessment.pdf (1.15 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 17 - Styles Group - Acoustic Assessment.pdf (461 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 18 - Qualifying Matters Map.pdf (914 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 19 - Consultation Report.pdf (815 KB) (pdf)
Notified PC9 Provisions (Appendix 1 of Section 32 Report)
INTERPRETATION s32.pdf (1.27 MB) (pdf)
STRATEGIC DIRECTION s32.pdf (1.39 MB) (pdf)
HAZARDS AND RISKS s32.pdf (1.29 MB) (pdf)
SUBDIVISION CHAPTER s32.pdf (1.73 MB) (pdf)
RESIDENTIAL ZONES s32.pdf (2.12 MB) (pdf)
RURAL ZONES s32.pdf (2.16 MB) (pdf)
CITY CENTRE ZONES s32.pdf (1.88 MB) (pdf)
COMMERCIAL ZONES s32.pdf (1.91 MB) (pdf)
INDUSTRIAL ZONES s32.pdf (1.93 MB) (pdf)
DEVELOPMENT AREAS s32.pdf (3.78 MB) (pdf)
Section 42A Report
Plan Change 9 Section 42A Report (5.37 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 2 - Recommended Changes to the District Plan Maps (778 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 3 - Recommended Decisions on Submissions (Excel) (446 KB) (xlsx)
Appendix 3 - Recommended Decisions on Submissions by Submitter ID (3.87 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 3 - Recommended Decisions on Submissions by Topic (3.95 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 4 - Assessment of Existing Qualifying Matters (572 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 5 - Area affected by Flood Risk Assessment - New Qualifying Matter (315 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 6 - Legal Advice on Geothermal Hazards and the Building Act - Rice Speirs (298 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 7 - Memorandum of Geothermal Boundaries - GNS Science (1.78 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 8 - Section 42A Authors Statement of Experience (1.35 MB) (pdf)
Section 42A Recommended Changes to the text (Appendix 1 of Section 42A Report)
INTERPRETATION s42A (759 KB) (pdf)
HAZARDS AND RISKS s42A (711 KB) (pdf)
CITY CENTRE ZONES s42A (1.21 MB) (pdf)
COMMERCIAL ZONES s42A (1.23 MB) (pdf)
DEVELOPMENT AREAS s42A (2.54 MB) (pdf)
INDUSTRIAL ZONES s42A (1.05 MB) (pdf)
RESIDENTIAL ZONES s42A (2.43 MB) (pdf)
RURAL ZONES s42A (1.3 MB) (pdf)
Statements of Evidence Section 42A Report
Statement of Evidence 1 -Strategic Evidence - Damon Mathfield (Rotorua Lakes Council) (669 KB) (pdf)
Statement of Evidence 2 - Urban Design - Cam Wallace (Barker & Associates) (1.29 MB) (pdf)
Statement of Evidence 3 - Demand Report - Susan Fairgray (Market Economics) (444 KB) (pdf)
Statement of Evidence 4 - Transport - Michael Nixon (Commute Transportation) (284 KB) (pdf)
Statement of Evidence 5 - Waste Collection Implications - Craig Goodwin (Rotorua Lakes Council) (153 KB) (pdf)
Statement of Evidence 6 - Management of Development - Infrastructure and Flood Hazards - Paula Meredith (Rotorua Lakes Council) (196 KB) (pdf)
Statement of Evidence 7 - 3 Waters Infrastructure - Greg Manzano (Rotorua Lakes Council) (189 KB) (pdf)
Statement of Evidence 8 - Specific Flood Hazard Methods - Mark Pennington (Tonkin and Taylor) (177 KB) (pdf)
Statement of Evidence 9 - Geothermal Risk Assessment - John Brzeski (Tonkin and Taylor).pdf (170 KB) (pdf)
Addendum 1 to the Section 42A Report
Addendum 1 to the Section 42A Amendments to Recommended Changes to the text (Appendix 1 of Addendum 1 to the Section 42A Report)
INTERPRETATION Addendum 1 s42A (651 KB) (pdf)
STRATEGIC DIRECTION Addendum 1 s42A (664 KB) (pdf)
HAZARDS AND RISKS Addendum 1 s42A (618 KB) (pdf)
HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL VALUES Addendum 1 s42A (1.29 MB) (pdf)
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT VALUES Addendum 1 s42A (1.56 MB) (pdf)
SUBDIVISION CHAPTER Addendum 1 s42A (919 KB) (pdf)
GENERAL DISTRICT WIDE MATTERS Addendum 1 s42A (1.16 MB) (pdf)
RESIDENTIAL ZONES Addendum 1 s42A (1.58 MB) (pdf)
CITY CENTRE ZONES Addendum 1 s42A (1.21 MB) (pdf)
COMMERCIAL ZONES Addendum 1 s42A (1.13 MB) (pdf)
INDUSTRIAL ZONES Addendum 1 s42A (1.48 MB) (pdf)
BUSINESS AND INNOVATION ZONE Addendum 1 s42A (1.44 MB) (pdf)
RURAL ZONES Addendum 1 s42A (1.66 MB) (pdf)
DEVELOPMENT AREAS Addendum 1 s42A (2.24 MB) (pdf)
APPENDIX ONE PARKING AND ACCESS Addendum 1 s42A (803 KB) (pdf)
Addendum 1 to the Section 42A Report - Rebuttal Statements of Evidence
Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 1 - Strategic Planning -Damon Mathfield (Rotorua Lakes Council) (1.27 MB) (pdf)
Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 2 -Urban Design - Cam Wallace (Barker & Associates) (1.05 MB) (pdf)
Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 3 - Demand Report - Susan Fairgray (Market Economics) (308 KB) (pdf)
Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 4 - Historic Heritage - Lloyd Macomber (Salmond Reed Architects) (228 KB) (pdf)
Submitter Rebuttal Statement of Evidence 1 - Matt Allott Planning -(Ara Poutama The Department of Corrections) (158 KB) (pdf)
Addendum 2 to the Section 42A Report - Council Reply
Addendum 2 to the Section 42A Report - Council Reply - Supplementary Statements of Evidence
Addendum 2 to the Section 42A Amendments to Recommended Changes to the text (Appendix 1 of Addendum 2 to the Section 42A Report)
INTERPRETATION - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (658 KB) (pdf)
NATIONAL DIRECTION INSTRUMENTS - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (651 KB) (pdf)
STRATEGIC DIRECTION - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (664 KB) (pdf)
HAZARDS AND RISKS - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (721 KB) (pdf)
HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL VALUES - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.29 MB) (pdf)
NATURAL ENVIRONMENT VALUES - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.56 MB) (pdf)
SUBDIVISION CHAPTER - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (944 KB) (pdf)
GENERAL DISTRICT WIDE MATTERS - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.16 MB) (pdf)
CITY CENTRE ZONES - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.23 MB) (pdf)
RESIDENTIAL ZONES - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.69 MB) (pdf)
COMMERCIAL ZONES - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.26 MB) (pdf)
INDUSTRIAL ZONES - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.48 MB) (pdf)
BUSINESS AND INNOVATION ZONE - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.44 MB) (pdf)
RURAL ZONES - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (1.66 MB) (pdf)
DEVELOPMENT AREAS - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (2.24 MB) (pdf)
APPENDIX ONE PARKING AND ACCESS - Addendum 2 s42A - Council Reply (919 KB) (pdf)
- What is the purpose of the Housing for Everyone – Plan Change 9?
- What is a Plan Change?
- Why is Rotorua Lakes Council undertaking this Plan Change?
- What is the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021?
- What are the Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS)?
About the Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9
- What does Housing for Everyone – Plan Change 9 seek to achieve?
- What parts of the District Plan are being amended?
- Which zones do the Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS) apply to?
- When will the MDRS have legal effect?
- What are “qualifying matters”?
- Do you need a minimum size of site in order to build 3 dwellings?
Addressing housing needs in Rotorua
Outcomes of the Plan Change
Plan Change 9 Timeline
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stageFebruary - August 2022: Preparation of the proposed plan change, including engagement with tangata whenua and stakeholder groups
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage20 August 2022: Notification of Plan Change.
Open for submissions
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage20 August - 14 October 2022: The community can now make submissions on Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9.
Open for further submissions
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage12 November - 25 November 2022: A summary of submissions is published and submitters are invited to make further submissions.
Further submissions period closes
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage25 November - 9 December 2022: Council to collect and summarize further submissions received. (Indicative date depending on the number of submissions received).
Late submission period closes
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage9 December (12am): Late submissions lodged after this will need to seek an individual waiver. Read document: direction #2 for more information
Notify summary of submissions and further submissions
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage21 December 2022
Pre-Circulation of s42A report and Council Evidence
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage30 June 2023
Pre-circulation of submitter evidence
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage21 July 2023
Rebuttal evidence
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage4 August 2023
Legal submissions
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage8 August 2023
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 has finished this stage14-25 August 2023
Final hearing recommendation
He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9 is currently at this stageLate January 2024: Indicative date
Council Decision
this is an upcoming stage for He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 9February 2024: (Indicative Date) Council will make a decision based on the recommendations.
Plan change is operative
this is an upcoming stage for He Wāhi Noho mō te Katoa – Te Panonihanga o te Whakaritenga 9 | Housing for Everyone - Plan Change 931 March 2024 (Deadline)